Welcome to the world of Swing Dancing!

What is swing dancing?

Swing dancing is a lively partner dance that is typically set to the swing jazz music of the 1930s and 1940s. It encompasses a range of different dance styles, the most popular of which include Lindy Hop, the Charleston, Shag and Balboa.

The dance is welcoming to people of all ages and backgrounds and has a vibrant community that is still active around the world today. If you’re looking to meet new people, get your body moving, and have too much fun doing it, this is the dance for you!

What are Lindy on Sproul classes like?

We run two separate classes, one for beginners and one for intermediate swing dancers, that typically last for about 40 minutes. During the classes, we will be rotating partners so that you can get a feel with how to dance with different leads/follows.

In the beginner class, we teach basic footwork, including fundamental 6 count and 8 count moves and basic Charleston steps. This class is suitable for people with 0 or close to no dance experience.

In the intermediate class, we focus on expanding your repertoire of moves, improving your dance technique and developing your musicality. Before the lesson, our teachers will tell you what you need to know in order to take the lesson (e.g Need to know how to do a swingout).

At the end of class, we reconvene and hold a a small social dance. The social dance is a great time for you to practice the moves you learnt in class and get to know everyone in our community.

Our Organisers

Executive Directors: Mai and Ariyana

Lindy On Sproul Coordinator: Tristan

SwingCal Facilitators: Crystal and Ariyana

Social Butterfly: Karah